
The Averter's overall Vision is the solemn and unmatched commitment to provide superior and safe products for the benefit of the industry, the human kind, and the planet.

  Excellence is the constant goal of our Mission.

  Our chief purpose is to fill the void of renewable, "green", and environmentally friendly products to resolve industry tribulations, and to satisfy the lack of turn-key solutions for the relentless problem of corrosion and scale.



Our Company has identified, established, and observes a carefully and specifically crafted collection of safeguard policies tailored to specific areas of development for each country involved in our business. These safeguard policies are intended to guide our workforce and our administration, as well as the local authorities, to promote social development, to uphold sound environmental protection practices, and to implement a pragmatic, sustainable, and implementable methodology to ensure that we all protect people and environment throughout the development of its operations, and afterwards.

  Our safeguard policies vary from country to country to pay heed to the specific needs and dynamics of each area of development, and to include the physical areas of project implementation. Some of our most valued policies that impinge on areas of great consequence are to include Environmental Evaluation, Social Heritage, Native Inhabitants, Ecological Habitats, and Social Progress Safety, among others. These policies are developed with the assistance and input of the local Governments, its municipalities, and within their regulatory frameworks.

  To implement these policies properly and successfully, our company makes the apposite investment to ensure a suitable and positive final and permanent impact. If the project deems new policies or the adaptation of current ones during development, the proper steps are taken to achieve these changes in a reliable and meaningful way.

  A comprehensive and multi-disciplinary practice to monitor and evaluate the compliance of these policies has been established to assist our projects and the local Governments. These steps are taken in order to address this important matter in a proactive and scrupulous manner. We firmly believe that respect and regard for social and environmental safeguard policies are of utmost importance, are the main objective to counter poverty and pollution, and is a responsible behavior that engenders progress and social justice, especially for the less fortunate people.